January 12, 2009 Wind Powered Art Vehicle/Kinetic Sculpture Here’s a video of a great kinetic sculpture that walks along a beach powered by the wind. Categories General/Science Education Comment: 1
December 1, 2008 Great physics cartoon Egg drop contest One of the classic physics projects is an egg drop contest. Students develop an apparatus to hold an egg that will be dropped from the second or third floor (depending on how high the teacher can get easily). This cartoon is a great twist on that, and maybe a reason to use only unfertilized eggs… Categories Physics/Science Education Comments: 0
November 10, 2008 Tips for using the TI 83/84 calculator in a science class I’ve posted my student handout “Analyzing data using your TI-83 or TI-84 calculator” to the web. You can find it and more TI tools at trampleasure.net/science/TI-calculators/ [October 23, 2009: I have an updated version you can find here.] I presented this handout at the Northern California/Nevada American Association of Phyiscs Teachers November 8 meeting at Foothill College. Categories Modeling/Physics/Science Education Comments: 0
July 25, 2008 Carbon sequestering in the seabed, nice video too Science Friday, my favorite radio show when I’m not teaching on Fridays, had a great piece today on carbon sequestering on the ocean floor. What if you could take CO2, pump it down a deep hole in the sea floor and turn it into something harmless? New research suggests the idea is not so far-fetched. David Goldberg, Taro Takahashi and... Categories Science Education Comments: 0
July 4, 2008 Great resources for checking web pages for disabled accessibility I am no expert on checking accessibility of web sites, but I use a couple tools that can help quickly check web pages: 1. Install the Fangs extension in Firefox (available at http://sourceforge.net/projects/fangs). Then, from the Tools menu, select Fangs. You will get a page as “seen” by someone who uses a screen reader. Screen readers can be set to... Categories General Comments: 0
May 20, 2008 Stretching program for you computer users I used Stretch Break when I was working at Lawrence Hall of Science, spending much time daily at the computer. It has a nice combination of stretches, both sitting and standing. You can set it to remind you at any time interval you chose (default is every 30 minutes). It’s a great program for those of us who get caught... Categories General Comments: 0
May 19, 2008 pi tie I made a pi tie at Zazzle.com. They are like CafePress.com: you can add text and images to many different types of products. Mr. Schroeder and I will be sporting them next March 14 (that’s pi day, 3/14). You can order them online, and I got mine in only two days. Helps to work 30 miles from where they are... Categories General/Science Education Comments: 0
May 18, 2008 Nice screen shot video software I just found a great piece of software that allows you to easily record what you are doing on your computer screen (with your own voice over) and save it as a .AVI or Flash movie. The software is called CamStuio, and being open source it is free. You can find it at http://camstudio.org/. I used it for making a... Categories General Comments: 0
May 12, 2008 Wahoo, I’m moving back to Berkeley !!! Yes, it’s true. After a “year abroad” in Pleasant Hill, I’m moving back to Berkeley. I’ve been accepted into the Walnut House Cooperative. The Coop is a non-profit owned 22-unit apartment house just north of downtown Berkeley on Walnut Street. I’m impressed by the selection process (realistic number of people interviewing, timeline) and the fact that they have been “in... Categories General Comments: 0
February 25, 2008 Physics day in the snow! There is a brief commercial message before the new clip (well, free is rarely free): Click here for the video A nice improvement over amusement park field trips. Too bad we don’t have snow in the Bay Area. Categories Physics/Science Education Comments: 0