Category: Physics

Handout for using the TI 83 / 84 calculator in a science classroom.

I have updated my Analyzing data using your TI-83 or TI-84 calculator handout. New features include: Using the Table features to have the calculator solve for variables. Using Draw to calculate the slope of the tangent to a curved line. Standard letter size (8.5×11 inches) for easier printing. You can download a copy here: TI-graphing-calculator-tips-for-science.pdf. It is in PDF which...

Tips for using the TI 83/84 calculator in a science class

I’ve posted my student handout “Analyzing data using your TI-83 or TI-84 calculator” to the web. You can find it and more TI tools at [October 23, 2009: I have an updated version you can find here.] I presented this handout at the Northern California/Nevada American Association of Phyiscs Teachers November 8 meeting at Foothill College.